Big Brother Falkor has decided that he is the Puppy Nanny. Below he meets his 8 new siblings.

Applications are being accepted at this time.
Fair Wind Shilohs is pleased to announce the breeding of Smudge and Kya. The pregnancy was confirmed via ultrasound on December 19th. Puppies are expected on or about January 21. Both of our parents are fully health tested and have passed with flying colors.
We anticipate this litter to be great gentle giants, with large bone structure and medium soft temperament.
We are accepting applications for this litter.

aka ” KYA “
Kya is a soft to medium soft temperament plush grey sable. She is smart, sassy
lovable girl who love to play ball and cuddle that has a medium soft temperament . Temperament tested passed with flying colors
Height 28 ‘ weight 106 lbs
Dm Clear
Pennhip scores
Right DI 0.32 Left DI 0.22
Holter monitor 11 singles 0 runs 0 0 pairs
cardiac auscultation normal.
DNA tested

ake “Smudge”
Smudge is a tall, gentle athletic male. He is always the first to come when called and often sits up against you when you are standing. He has a medium to soft temperament and a plush, Bi/Black coat.
Height 30.5″ Weight 110 #
Hips: OFA Good
Hatler monitor 2 singles 0 runs 0 pairs
Cardiac auscultation normal
DNA tested
DM carrier

aka Kor
Born: July 21 2020
Falkor is a certified Therapy dog, with a soft -medium temperament. He has been a great
puppy nanny, with younger puppies. The only words to describe him is a gentle giant.
he has many accomplishments STAR PUPPY, CGC, CGCA, CGCU
Height 30″ Weight 130 lbs
Dm Clear
Pennhip score Rt hip DI 0.12 Left Di 0.23. No OA of either hip
holter monitor 2 singles (0)pairs and 0 runs
Normal Auscultation and Echo Cardiogram
DNA tested
Falkor has been certified as a working therapy dog through Invisible Paw Prints Pet Therapy with his best friend and owner.

Haku is working as an active Therapy dog through Invisible Paw Prints Pet Therapy with his owner/handler. He apparently is a big hit with children’s reading group and other activities.

Another of our puppies, ZIRAH (Ivy/Rocco) is also an active therapy dog. She is a member of Go Team Therapy Dogs, and she’s been approved as an official therapy dog for her local Kaiser Permanente hospital! 🙂 she’ll have full access to every section of the hospital, including the emergency room. Her owner reports that she is constantly in awe of what a great dog she is
Below are some photos of 8 month old puppies from Madison’s 2019 litter which was a litter of 5 whites and 5 sables.
More to follow …