The puppies arrived on Saturday, 6/8 between 8 AM and 11 PM. It was a long day for all, but very successful. We have 10 beautiful pups. There are 3 females and 7 males. We have 5 sables and 5 whites. All are doing well. We hope to post weekly photos so you can follow their progress on the page marked June 8, 2019 Litter.
Madison is a progeny of our Maxx and Ivy’s first litter. Maddie is an intelligent girl who passed her CGC at 9 months old, she is well socialized , loves being a girl about town. She is a large, sweet and healthy girl who is always at my side, from paddle boarding, to agility and rally. To see her move is like watching poetry in motion. She will be earning her barn hunt titles later this year. Madison, comes to the training center with me weekly. Her gentle temperament makes her a natural teacher, and most gentle with the puppies. At 3 years old, she has many adventures ahead of her! Her stunning beauty makes her the center of attention where ever she goes.
Fair Winds Zephyr Madison, CGC
aka Maddie
October 5, 2015 |Golden Sable plush
sire: Mystical’s Majestic Maxx
dam: Mystical’s Dancing Heart
height/weight: 28″, 90lbs
hips: PennHip L 0.19 R 0.29, 90th percentile
elbows: OFA Normal (P/L)
heart monitor (0,0,0) 6M; and
OFA Normal SLH-CA623/22F/C-VPI
TLI 16.0, normal
DM Carrier (Embark DNA 5/21/2017)
Embark Genetic Testing 160/clear
DNA NCD66395
Bing is a big, beautiful gentle giant with a great temperament and gets along with people and other dogs. He is accepted at doggie daycare without appointment due to his exceptional temperament. (This is almost unheard of with an in-tact male). At home he can definitely be goofy but is ever watchful of his home and his family. He is very intelligent and shows a strong desire to please. He is very sociable and shows a lot of common sense. He can open every door in the house and innately knows not to chase the horses and cows. When you first meet him, his soulful eyes will entrance you. His warmth and tenderness make you want to just hug him forever.
Bing’s Stats:
Full Name/Title: Miracle’s Cherry Crooner, OFA
Color: Cream Sable Plush
Height: 28 Inches /
Weight: 95 Pounds
Born: May 29, 2014
Dam: GV bCH Odin’s Beautiful Thunder of O’atka, CGN, OFA, ROM (Tova)
Sire: bCH Ptd. Zephyr’s Full Throttle RSS, CGN, OVC, TPOC (Bozley)
WSSBA Registration Number: W14124
DNA Number: Pending
Hips: OFA Good (SLH-820G28M-VPI)
Elbows: OFA Normal (SLH-EL582M28-VPI)
Cardiac: Normal (Practitioner)
TLI: Normal
Brucellosis: Negative
DM: Clear (N/N) by Animal Genetics